Youth Financial Seminar



Between the ages of 14 and 20, young women and men make critical decisions that affect the course of their whole lives; decisions about educational paths, career options, lifetime mates and family timing.  On June 6, 2018 Young Ladies and Gents, YMCA of Pocomoke, area business people, USN from Wallops and/or parents will staff the below stations to help the 86, 8th graders at Pocomoke Middle school make these critical decisions with knowledge and a sophisticated attitude about life realities and options for their futures.



TRANSPORTATION                               INSURANCE                                          MEDICAL

CHILD CARE                                                                                                            LEGAL

GROCERIES                                                                                                             CLOTHING

FURNITURE                                     FINANCIAL COUNSELOR                         PETS

UTILITIES                                                                                                                 CHARITIES

HOUSING                                                                                                                                                               ENTERTAINMENT AND TRAVEL

BANK                                                                                                                        EVALUATIONS


The Youth will:

Learn Skills for Financial Planning:                             Examine their Attitude About:

• Goal Setting                                                                 • Careers

•Decision Making                                                          • Earning

                                                                                       • Quality of Life

They will also receive an occupation, checkbook, checking and savings register, learn what it is to record and balance a checkbook and meet prominent men and women from the community.

 If you would like to give a monetary gift in support of this program please go to the home page and click on online giving.